CONCORD-CARLISLE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL Thursday, December 17, 2009, 7:00 pm Agenda
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
Treasurer (AWOL in Oz) Please bring any receipts that need reimbursement – thanks! Also bring any checks or cash that should be banked for the Abbey Fund, Drinking Gourd, or HRC general fund.
MLK event update:
a) Date: Thursday, January 14th b) Time: 7:00-8:30 pm c) Location: Sanborn School d) program e) publicity f) logistics
Human Rights Day Review
5. Swastika Incidents in Concord and Acton
6. CCHS play, ‘Falsettos’
7. Abbey Fund update – Danielle Laura
8. Drinking Gourd update – Maria Madison
9. Holocaust Memorial plans/committee
10. Climate for Freedom Award Committee
11. Adjournment – 8:45 pm