Thursday, February 18th, 2010 7:00 pm Hunt Gym Meeting Room
1. Approval of minutes of the previous meetings.
2. Treasurer’s report.
3. Holocaust Memorial Observance plans: a) Town House, Sunday, April 11, 7:30 pm (booked) b) Music – Rosalie Gerut (booked) c) Proclamation d) Speaker e) Clergy person f) Publicity
4. Newsletter: a) Letter from the Chair b) Drinking Gourd update c) Abby Fund event/update d) ½ page Holocaust Memorial flier e) Introduction – Chief of Police Barry Neal
5. Drinking Gourd event: Traces of the Trade – March 5.
6. Abby Fund update.
7. Climate for Freedom Award Committee
8. Annual meeting plans
9. Adjournment – 8:45 pm
Reminders: Newsletter deadline – March 1st; Traces of the Trade – March 5 Abby Fund event – March 26 Holocaust Memorial Observance – April 11 Next HRC meeting – March 18