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CCHRC Meeting Minutes: 8 November 2007


CCHRC Meeting Minutes: 8 November 2007

Present: Polly Attwood, Steve Zippin, Kristin Allison, Molly Carocci, Alyn Rovin, Diana Hughes

Last months minutes approved.

Treasurer report by Steve Zippin: Current account balance of $7,256.62. $1,094.74 is the Human Rights Council portion with an additional $100.00 for the Black Heritage Trail.

The November newsletter was completed and mailed thanks to all the contributors and primarily to Liz Clayton.

The Human Rights Day Breakfast will be held at the Trinitarian Congregational Church at 7:30 am on December 4. A panel discussion is planned highlighting the Black Heritage and Abolitionist Trail. Presenters will lead a discussion on lost history for minorities in general, the Concord anti-slavery movement, and sources of funding for this new initiative. Community leader letters have been sent. Local news coverage will include an article in the Journal with listings in the calendar of events for Concord and Carlisle.

Please be at Tri Con to help at 4:30 on Monday afternoon, December 3. All members are to bring food contributions at that time or by 7:00 on Tuesday morning. Kristin will bring all the paper goods and beverages. Bridget will bring the vases and greens. Breads, muffins, bagels, finger fruits (no cut fruit), … are to be provided by the HRC board members.

The MLK Celebration is scheduled for Thursday evening at 7:00 at the Sanborn Middle School. The “Step Club” will perform under the direction of Kim Bovell, Concord Carlisle High School Metco coordinator. Kristin and Donna will contact the Willard and Middle School Choral directors for possible contributions. Kristin will follow-up with Polly regarding contributions from the Black Heritage and Abolitionist Trail group. A flyer will be mailed in late December to the HRC membership. Publicity will also include the local papers with a photo. Planning for the distribution of flyers and for the set-up and contributions for the evening, including refreshments, will be done at the January HRC meeting.

Our new web site looks great and is ever improving thanks to Lorell Gifford. Please contact Lorell with any input, corrections or suggestions.

New Business:

Diana Hughes will contribute an easel display to the HR Day Breakfast displaying a calendar of Human Rights events in and around Concord.

See you all on December 3 at 4:30 pm at The Trinitarian Congregational Church for set-up and at 7:00 am on Tuesday the 4th for the Human Rights Day Breakfast.

Respectfully submitted, Kristin Allison, CCHRC secretary

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The Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council is a community organization of volunteers working together to foster respect, understanding, good will, and conciliation among individuals and groups in the community. It is dedicated to the belief that all people are entitled to dignity and respect. The role of the Human Rights Council is one of education and advocacy.

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