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Gaining Ground: Climate for Freedom Award Nominee


Gaining Ground

Gaining ground’s primary work is growing fresh, organic produce for hunger relief.

Access to healthy food is a primary human right, one that Gaining Ground aids by providing all food, for free, to recipient organizations, families, and individuals who need it. Each growing season, Gaining Ground distributes approximately 20,000 pounds of organically grown vegetables and fruit to 10 food- assistance programs and food pantries located within 20 miles of their farm, as well as via Concord Food for Families. Each of these programs serves up to 100 people weekly, and all are seeing increased demand.

Now concluding their 15th season, Gaining Ground provides much-needed produce to people in need, and meaningful volunteer opportunities to people of all ages and backgrounds. This powerful combination has made Gaining Ground a respected institution in Concord – and a model for other nonprofit hunger-relief organizations far from our community.

Gaining Ground has always been committed to growing the highest quality produce possible, then donating it all to those in need, believing that everyone deserves access to nutritious produce. Many of the individuals and families who receive their produce are facing significant challenges – health issues, financial problems, unemployment, and more. Nutritious produce, provided for free, helps fuel their efforts to overcome these issues.

Gaining Ground’s commitment to human rights is inherently tangible – it can be found on dinner tables throughout our community every night.

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The Concord-Carlisle Human Rights Council is a community organization of volunteers working together to foster respect, understanding, good will, and conciliation among individuals and groups in the community. It is dedicated to the belief that all people are entitled to dignity and respect. The role of the Human Rights Council is one of education and advocacy.

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