The Drinking Gourd Project
Africans, Abolitionists and Women of Concord, MA in the 17th-19th Century
The Drinking Gourd Project presents a “walk” through lost history, unearthing the stories of ordinary people who led heroic lives
Sunday, May 17th, 3:00 pm* First Parish Church 20 Lexington Road Concord, Massachusetts
Keynote speaker Elise Lemire
Elise Lemire, author of Black Walden: Slavery and Its Aftermath in Concord, Massachusetts.
Experience history with a lively reenactment of a Middlesex County Anti-Slavery Society (MCASS) meeting.
Special guests include * Frederick Douglass * Harriet Tubman * Louisa May Alcott * Mary Merrick Brooks * Ann Bigelow * Henry David Thoreau
* After the event, Elise Lemire will lead a guided tour through Walden Woods.
RSVP by May 15th, 2009
Call Susan Ryan at 978-371-9507 or email your response to
